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New Accreditation Certificate

During the audit conducted at the beginning of 2024, the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS), in collaboration with the Federal Institute of Metrology (Metas), officially renewed the SCS accreditation of Metron Measurement SA, as a calibration laboratory for length, shape, torque, force, and electrical quantities.

The accreditation complies with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and the Swiss standard SN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, and will be valid until 01.06.2029.

You can download the new accreditation certificate on the accreditation page.

New accreditation field: High voltage AC/DC (up to 50kV)

In the audit took place in September 2022, the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS), in collaboration with the Federal Institute of Metrology Metas, approved the accreditation and extension for the calibration of the high voltage sector:

  • AC/DC high voltage gauges (up to 50kV)
  • AC/DC high voltage generators (up to 50kV)

This allows the accredited calibration of instruments such as: HiPot tester, Kilovoltmeter, voltage dividers, high voltage detectors, etc.

Accredited calibration is immediately possible both in our laboratory and on-site at your branch.

Metron è partner ufficiale di Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG

Metron Measurement SA, quale centro di competenza per la misura e la metrologia, dal 01.01.2021 è partner ufficiale di Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG (Gossen Metrawatt).

Il focus non sarà unicamente nell’offrire consulenza ai clienti che operano nel loro settore altamente tecnologico e professionale, ma anche di essere presenti in fiere e convegni specialistici in entrambe le aree linguistiche così da accrescere e promuovere un aspetto molto importante: compatti nell’offrire una piattaforma di servizi multilingua accessibile dal cliente.

In futuro METRON Measurement SA gestirà la Camille Bauer Academy in Ticino, offrendo formazione professionale attraverso seminari tecnici in accordo alla OIBT (NIV) per titolari di autorizzazione come installatore elettrico. Insieme, la Camille Bauer Academy e la Metron Academy saranno il punto di riferimento per "trasmettere e accrescere le competenze nel settore dell’energia elettrica", attraverso lezioni online, ibride (online e in presenza) e pratiche nelle due sedi.

Insieme vogliamo varcare il nuovo anno con fiducia, nuovi stimoli e ottimismo!

For further informations, download the press release [pdf file].

New calibration labels with QR code

We take care of your digitization!
With our new QR code calibration labels, you now always have the calibration certificate of your test equipment at hand!
Simply scan the QR code with a smartphone to view the certificate. As simple as that!

The advantages for you:
- No time wasted on audits or customer requests, the certificate is always available and can be viewed.
- The label can always be connected to the instrument via the identification number without the risk of the label being removed and attached to another device.

About us
SCS-accredited independent laboratory for the parameters Length, Torque and Electric Current.
About Us
SCS-accredited independent laboratory for the parameters Length, Force, Torque and Electric Current.
Metron Measurement SA
Via Luserte Sud 7
CH-6572 Quartino Map »
Tel: +41 91 780 49 37
Fax: +41 91 780 49 38